About price guarantee on Google Flights (2025)

Price guarantee is a pilot programme available on selected itineraries within Google Flights. For some flight prices, Google's algorithms are confident that the price that you find is the lowest available before the flight departs. For those flights, we'll monitor the price until the first flight in your itinerary departs. If the price drops, we'll make up the difference.

Up until now, price guarantee was available on selected Book on Google itineraries. We've expanded our programme to selected itineraries that you find on Google Flights but book on an airline or travel agency website.

To get the best help, select your reservation method:

Booked a Book on Google itinerary

If you choose a price-guaranteed itinerary that lets you book on 'Book on Google', which means that you stayed on Google to complete your transaction with the airline or travel agency, choose this option.

How much money can I get from a price guarantee?

Price guarantee pays you the difference between the flight price when you book and the lowest ticket price between then and departure. To get a payout, the price difference must be greater than US$5. You can receive up to US$500 total per Google Account across all eligible itineraries in a given calendar year. You can have up to three open price-guaranteed bookings at any one time. This means that the first flight in the itinerary hasn't departed yet. If eligible, you'll receive a payout after the first flight in the booked itinerary takes off.

How do I get one?


  • Your country/region must be set to the US and your currency must be in USD to see guaranteed flights.
  • Price guarantee only applies to one-way and round-trip flights that depart from the United States.
  • You must use a US billing address and US phone number on the Book on Google page.
  • You must be signed in to your Google Account.

Price guarantee is only available for flights for which we're confident that the price won't drop. These flights have a colourful price badge About price guarantee on Google Flights (1) when you pick your departing and returning flights. Price guarantee only impacts you if the price of your flight drops after you've booked and before the first flight in your itinerary departs.

  1. Beneath 'Departing flights', select a badged flight.
  2. Select the badged itinerary and continue to the checkout.
    • For price guarantee to apply, all flights in your itinerary must have the price guarantee badge.
  3. Click the 'Book on Google' link.
  4. On the Book on Google page, tick the box next to 'Price guarantee' to accept the Terms of Service.

You will receive a confirmation email when the flight is guaranteed.

How long do they last?

Price guarantee takes effect after you've booked on Google. However, if the airline updates prices faster than they load on Google Flights, we may not be able to provide the guarantee anymore. You may find a price guarantee, but if the price is updated before you book, the guarantee may not be available when you go to book.

Do I have to pay for it?

No. The price guarantee is at no cost.

What happens after I've booked?

After you've booked, we monitor the price until the first flight in your itinerary departs. We then send you an email to let you know if the price has dropped or not. You may also get an email update between booking and departure. If the price has dropped, we pay you back the difference in Google Pay. If the price didn't go down, you can rest assured that you got the best price with Google Flights.

How will I get the difference paid out?


  • You must be aged over 18.
  • You must have a Google Pay account or create one to claim your payout. You must be signed in with the same Google Account that you used to book your flight on Book on Google.
  • When you become a Google Pay user, you're subject to the Google Pay Terms of Service.

If the price drops, we'll notify you after take-off and pay you back the difference in Google Pay. It usually takes up to 48 hours for the money to be deposited into your account.

If you don't have a Google Pay account, you must create one so that we can pay you back the difference:

  • Click Get your $X within the email that we send you and create a Google Pay account within 90 days of the departure of the first flight in your itinerary. Within 48 hours, we'll deposit the difference into your Google Pay balance or as money in Google Pay on wallet.google.com.

You can transfer the money to your bank account once it is in your Google Pay balance or available as money in Google Pay:

  1. Go to wallet.google.com.
  2. Click Payment methodsAbout price guarantee on Google Flights (2) Money in GooglePay or GooglePay balance.
  3. Click Transfer out.
    • Enter the amount that you want to transfer out.
    • Select the bank account to which you want to transfer the money.
      • If you don't already have a bank account saved, follow the steps to add an account.
  4. Click Transfer out.

Until you verify your identity, you can transfer out up to US$200 total per week on the Google Pay website. To transfer more out, you must download the Google Pay app About price guarantee on Google Flights (3) and verify your identity. Learn more about the Google Pay limits.

If you experience issues when you download the Google Pay app, go to the Google Pay Help Centre.

What happens if I cancel my trip?

If you change your trip or cancel any part of it, you won't get the difference back.

Where can I find all the details?

You can find the programme details in our Terms of Service. If your flight has a price guarantee, the price guarantee Terms of Service apply.

If you have issues or questions, contact us about your flight.

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to do anything after I've booked?

No. We monitor the price automatically after you've booked until your first flight departs and we'll notify you after departure if the price drops.

If the price drops, when am I paid the difference?

You typically receive the difference in your Google Pay account within 48 hours after your first flight takes-off.

Can I cancel my guarantee?

You can opt out of the price guarantee before you book your flight. To cancel the guarantee after you've booked, contact us about your flight.

What happens if my flight is cancelled or rescheduled?

If your flight is cancelled or rescheduled, you don't get the difference back.

What happens if the price drops and then goes up again?

You still get the difference back between the price when you booked and the lowest price available before take-off.

Booked on airline or travel agency website

If you select a price-guaranteed itinerary on Google Flights but booked with an airline or online travel agency on their website, choose this option.

How much money can I get from a price guarantee?

When you select a price-guaranteed booking option on Google Flights, the price guarantee pays you the difference between the flight price at that time and the lowest ticket price for that exact itinerary as seen on Google Flights between then and departure. To get a payout, the price difference must be greater than US$5. You can receive up to US$500 total per Google Account across all eligible itineraries in a given calendar year. You can have up to three confirmed price-guaranteed bookings at any one time. If eligible, you'll receive money back after the first flight in the booked itinerary has taken off.

How do I get one?


  • To find guaranteed flights, your country/region must be set to the US and your currency must be USD.
  • Price guarantee only applies to one-way and round-trip flights that depart from the United States.
  • You must be signed in to your Google Account.

Price guarantee is only available for flights for which we're confident that the price won't drop. These flights have a colourful price badgeAbout price guarantee on Google Flights (4) when you pick your departing and returning flights. Price guarantee only impacts you if the price of your flight drops after you've selected a guaranteed booking option on Google Flights and before the first flight in your itinerary departs.

  1. Beneath 'Departing flights', select a badged flight.
    • For price guarantee to apply, all flights in your itinerary must have a price guarantee badge.
  2. Under 'Booking options', to select a price-guaranteed booking option, click Continue.
    • Price-guaranteed booking options have a price guarantee badge.
    • We guarantee that the price that you find next to the price guarantee badge won't get any lower before departure.
  3. On the airline or travel agency website, book the exact itinerary guaranteed on Google Flights. For price guarantee to apply, all components of the booked itinerary must match, including the airline, flight number, dates, number of passengers, fare, cabin class and cancellation policy.
  4. After you've selected the price-guaranteed booking option on Google Flights, Google watches the price every day until take-off.
    • You'll receive an email after take-off to let you know if the price dropped or not.
  5. If there's a price drop, to get the difference paid to you in Google Pay, you'll be asked to confirm that you booked the flight:
    • In your email, click Yes, I booked this flight and follow the instructions:
      • Enter your confirmation number and surname and tick the box to accept the Terms of Service.
      • Click Confirm.
  • Alternatively, go to the Price guarantee page:
    • Find your guaranteed itinerary.
    • Click Yes, I booked this.
    • Enter your confirmation number and surname, then tick the box to accept the Terms of Service.
    • Click Confirm.

On the Price guarantee page, you can find your guaranteed flights. Under 'Travel settings', you can update your email preferences.

How long do they last?

After you've selected a price-guaranteed booking option on Google Flights, price guarantee comes into effect.

Do I have to pay for it?

No. The price guarantee is at no cost.

What happens after I've selected a guaranteed booking option?

After you've selected a guaranteed booking option, we monitor the price until the first flight in your itinerary departs. You'll then receive an email to let you know if the price dropped or not. You may also receive an email update between selecting the guaranteed booking option and departure. If the price dropped, you must confirm that you booked the flight no later than 30 days after the departure of the first flight in your itinerary so that we can pay you the difference in Google Pay. If the price didn't go down, you can rest assured that you got the best price with Google Flights.

Where can I view my eligible price-guaranteed flights?

If you've selected a price-guaranteed booking option, you can manage your flight on the Price guarantee page.

How do I confirm a price guarantee?

If the price drops for a guarantee-eligible flight that you selected, you'll receive an email from Google Flights. To confirm the guarantee, in your email, click Yes, I booked this flight and follow the instructions:

  • Enter your confirmation number and surname and tick the box to accept the Terms of Service.
    • The confirmation number is the alphanumeric code in the booking confirmation email that you received after purchasing your flight on the airline or travel agency website (example: SFTORB).
  • Click Confirm.

Alternatively, to manage your guarantee, go to the Price guarantee page. To confirm the guarantee, click Yes, I booked this and follow the instructions.

You can have up to three confirmed guaranteed bookings at any one time.

How will I get the difference paid out?


  • You must be aged over 18.
  • You must have a Google Pay account or create one to claim your payout. You must be signed in with the same Google Account that you used to search for your flight on Google Flights.
  • When you become a Google Pay user, you're subject to the Google Pay Terms of Service.

If the price drops, we notify you after take-off and pay you the difference in Google Pay. If you haven't yet confirmed that you booked the flight, we'll ask you to do so. Once you've confirmed, we'll pay you the difference in Google Pay. It usually takes up to 48 hours for the money to be deposited into your account.

If you don't have a Google Pay account, you must create one so that we can pay you back the difference:

  • If the price drops and you had confirmed your booking before the departure of your first flight:
    • To claim the difference:
      • In the email or on the Price guarantee page, click Get your $X.
      • Create a Google Pay account within 60 days of the departure of the first flight in your itinerary.
      • Within 48 hours, we'll deposit the difference into your Google Pay balance or as money in Google Pay on wallet.google.com.
  • If the price dropped and you hadn't confirmed your booking before the departure of your first flight:
    • Confirm that you booked the flight no later than 30 days after the departure of the first flight in your itinerary.
    • Once you've confirmed, to claim the difference:
      • On the Price guarantee page, click Get your $X.
      • Create a Google Pay account within 60 days of confirming your booking.
      • Within 48 hours, we'll deposit the difference into your Google Pay balance or as money in Google Pay on wallet.google.com.

You can transfer the money to your bank account once it is in your Google Pay balance or available as money in Google Pay:

  1. Go to wallet.google.com.
  2. Click Payment methodsAbout price guarantee on Google Flights (5) Money in GooglePay or GooglePay balance.
  3. Click Transfer out.
  4. Enter the amount that you want to transfer out.
  5. Select the bank account to which you want to transfer the money.
    • If you don't already have a bank account saved, follow the steps to add an account.
  6. Click Transfer out.

Until you verify your identity, you can transfer out up to US$200 total per week on the Google Pay website. To transfer more out, you must download the Google Pay app About price guarantee on Google Flights (6) and verify your identity. Learn more about the Google Pay limits.

If you have issues when you download the Google Pay app, go to the Google Pay Help Centre.

How do I stop the price guarantee email notifications?

Manage your guarantees on the Price guarantee page. When you click No, I didn't book, we won't send any more email notifications for that specific itinerary.

You can also turn off email notifications in Travel settings. However, if you confirm a guaranteed itinerary, even if you opt out of email notifications, you'll receive a final email to let you know if the price dropped or not.

You can also turn off Google's price guarantee feature in Travel settings. When you turn this feature off, you'll remove all your existing price-guaranteed flights and we won't show price-guaranteed badges in Google Flights. You won't be paid for any pending guarantees, even if you've already confirmed them.

What happens if I cancel my trip?

If you change your trip or cancel any part of it, you won't get the difference back.

Where can I find all the programme details?

You can find programme details in the Google price guarantee additional Terms of Service. These terms apply to any flight with a price guarantee.

If you have issues or questions, contact us about your flight.

Frequently asked questions

What happens if my flight is cancelled or rescheduled?

If your flight is cancelled or rescheduled, you don't get the difference back.

What happens if the price drops and then goes up again?

You still get the difference between the price when you select the guaranteed booking option on Google Flights and the lowest price available before take-off.

Related resources

  • Google Pay Help
About price guarantee on Google Flights (2025)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.